Große Kreisstadt Löbau
Altmarkt 1
02708 Löbau
Phone: 03585 / 450-0
Fax: 03585 / 450-450
Große Kreisstadt Löbau is a public company (Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts) represented by: Lord Mayor Albrecht Gubsch.
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: Albrecht Gubsch.
The layout and appearance of the offer as a whole as well as its individual components are protected by copyright. Duplication and use is prohibited. The copyright for published objects created by the city itself remains solely with the author of the pages. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's agreement.
Note on external link issues
As a content provider, the Stadtverwaltung Löbau is responsible for its own content, which it makes available for use in accordance with general legal provisions. From own contents it is necessary to distinguish links to contents provided by other providers.
These external contents do not come from Stadtverwaltung Löbau, nor does Stadtverwaltung Löbau have the possibility to influence the contents of external sites. The contents of external sites to which the Stadtverwaltung Löbau refers by means of links do not reflect the opinion of the Stadtverwaltung Löbau, but serve only as a source of information and illustration of links. The Stadtverwaltung Löbau is not responsible for external contents to which it merely refers in the aforementioned sense. Responsibility rests solely with the provider of the content.
Sources of images
Startseite Stadt Löbau | Luftbildpilot Harald Anders (Stadtansicht) Citizen service Stadt Löbau | Pixabay: bundestagswahl-2718936.jpg | background-2846221_1920.jpg | time-2980690_1920.jpg | application-1756281.jpg | computer-2982270_1920.jpg | reading-888864_1920.jpg | video-2562034_1920.jpg | newspaper-943004_1920.jpg | metal-3331384_1920.jpg | castle-500179_1920.jpg | calendar-2763496_1920.jpg | sport-2863541_1920.jpg | pen-2398693.jpg | club-2492011_1920.jpg | Fotostudio 51 Löbau (Andrea Binder) Education & Family Stadt Löbau | Haus für Kinder (Regionalverein Löbau Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit Behinderung e.V.) | Kita Samenkorn (Julia Zeidler) | Pixabay: background-71699.jpg | network-539757_1920.jpg | brush-3068340_1920.png | schultute-1499056_640.jpg | marionettes-801970_640.jpg | bag-21467_640.jpg | mountain-bike-1666674_640.jpg | canyon-1836412_640.jpg | boys-2769553_640.jpg | team-2444978_640.jpg | schokomuffins-2132564_640.jpg | volleyball-520093_640.jpg | colored-pencils-656167_1920.jpg | pencils-695380_1920.jpg | passport-1051697_640.jpg | Annett Gnieser (Die Sonnenkäfer) | Katja Peschel (Riesengross) | Little Bird GmbH (StraßenmalkreideLB) Economy & Industry Stadt Löbau | Pixabay: laser-2795229_1920.jpg | business-3370832_1920.jpg Culture & Tourism Stadt Löbau (Haus Schminke) | Emrich Foto (Mondphasenuhr) | Pixabay: hiking-1312226_1920.jpg | cycling-2520007_1920.jpg | strawberry-ice-cream-2239377_1920.jpg | restaurant-783100_1920.jpg | white-791099_1920.jpg | books-2383396_1920.jpg | sofa-1603928_1920.jpg | hammock-1031363_1920.jpg | furniture-3189674_1920.jpg | white-791099_1920.jpg | bible-2167778_1920.jpg | concert-336695_1920.jpg | kleinbild-film-548245_1920.jpg | popcorn-1433327_1920.jpg | clown-2853227_1920.jpg | mask-1641264_1920.jpg | box-2953722_1920.jpg | hunting-1895815_640.png | abstract-2468874_640.jpg | bowling-2585600_640.jpg | tennis-2100437_640.jpg | karting-1666758_640.jpg | Landesgartenschau Löbau gGmbH (Messehalle, LaGa-Gelände) | Garnison Löbau e.V. (Pferde beim Militär) | Gemeinde Langenegg (Logo Facebook) | Matthias Wehnert | Matthias Teichgräber |
Rights to photos
The copyrights to the used photos belong to the respective photographers.
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