You can find the latest information about the school under Aktuelles by clicking on this link: Heinrich-Pestalozzi-Oberschule Löbau
Pestalozzi-Oberschule Löbau | Pestalozzistraße 17 | 02708 Löbau
Pestalozzi-Oberschule (seconadary school) in Löbau is an arts, sports and creative centre that should serve as a place of learning and well-being.
Responsible body: Große Kreisstadt Löbau
Type of school: General education school
Principal: Thomas Drosky
Phone: 03585 833338 | Fax: 03585 405985
Traditional festivals, workshops, sports festivals - there is always something going on at "Pesta"!
for former pupils, teachers and parents: Alumni meeting | Christmas programme
at school: ADAC bike test | project days | school building design | creative weekend | student council weekend
languages: FranceMobil and RussiaMobil - on the way to awaken the desire for languages | Festival of Foreign Languages | BigChallenge - an English competition for more than 630,000 pupils from all over Europe
camps: summer camps | adventure camps
sports: school sports festival | ski camp | sailing camp | school championships in all ball sports
By clicking on this link you will go to the current substitution plan of Heinrich-Pestalozzi-Oberschule. After entering your access data, you will get to Pesta's "internal area".
Furthermore, the mobile application (VpMobil) is available to all students and parents. This allows you to access your pupils' substitution plan via mobile devices. You will obtain the access data from your children
Play Store:
App Store:
At the Heinrich Pestalozzi School in Löbau there is a vocational orientation concept, of which the project "Practical advisors in secondary schools" - "Praxisberater an Oberschulen". Pupils from grades 7 and 8 take part in this project. This project is funded and supported by the ESF (European Social Fund) and the Employment Agency. In this way the participation is free of charge for everybody.
The main task of the project is to develop pupils' competences in vocational choice and their individual career orientation. The project focuses not only on the choice of profession for each student, but mainly on the fact that young people gather as much information and practical experience as possible at an early stage, so that they can later choose a profession that they like and that suits them - with all its advantages and disadvantages. After all, the aim is to avoid dropping out of training (for various reasons) or to achieve a "smooth" transition from school to training in order to work in a later profession with pleasure and commitment.
Numbers, data and facts about the Heinrich-Pestalozzi-Oberschule can be found in the school database of the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Culture.
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