Principal: Katrin Platzek
Contact Person (School Pedagogue): Annemarie Friedrich
Secretariat: Yvonne Riedel
You can find the latest information about the school under Aktuelles by clicking on this link: Grundschule Kleindehsa
Primary School (Grundschule) in Kleindehsa | Dorfstraße 6 | 02708 Lawalde OT Kleindehsa
The Primary School in Kleindehsa is located in the middle of a valley basin surrounded by the Upper Lusatian Mountains, the Kötschauer Mountains, the Hochstein Mountains and the Bubenik Mountains. This basin opens up to the east towards Löbau. Kleindehsa is a district of the municipality Lawalde in the district of Görlitz. The primary school is located on a side road between Kleindehsa and Lawalde, not far from the S115 road from Großdehsa to Cunewalde, in a place with limited traffic.
The school building, with a new gym built in 2011, is situated in the middle of a park, surrounded by meadows and trees. At the back of the property there is a large sports field. Near the building there is a playground, a small field and a school garden.
Principal: Katrin Platzek
Contact Person (School Pedagogue): Annemarie Friedrich
Secretariat: Yvonne Riedel
"Whoever plants a tree will gain heaven" - "Wer einen Baum pflanzt, wird den Himmel gewinnen" (Konfuzius)
Everything moves!
Movement is important for the holistic development of children. Inner movement is activated because it precedes outer movement. Movement strengthens mind and body. Children learn from everything they perceive in their living space. Therefore, we create an environment for them in which they find support, security and meaning. This enables them to develop self-confidence as well as self-awareness and to act in a self-responsible manner. The child is at the centre of its own learning process. The teacher only takes a supporting and stimulating position and creates age- and development-appropriate conditions for each individual child.
"Help me do it myself" - "Hilf mir, es selbst zu tun" (Maria Montessori)
Each child is perceived in his or her individuality, is valued with his or her special characteristics and is allowed to contribute to school life. If necessary, the child is supported in his or her activities. The children's curiosity is aroused by problems that are posed separately. In dealing with these, the children discover their environment by experimenting and in this way gain new experiences which they can link to what they know. Children are curious by nature and learn in all areas of life through the perception of all senses as well as through active action.
They are helped in this by forms of independent learning such as workshop work, partner work, group work or project work. The basis for the harmonious development of the child's personality is close and responsible cooperation between parents, child and teachers. Openness and mutual trust are essential. Responsibility, companionship, respect and helpfulness in a fear-free, relaxed atmosphere characterise life together at our school.
"Wherever possible, everything should be presented to the senses: what is visible to the face, what is audible to the ear, what can be smelled to the sense of smell, what can be tasted to the sense of taste, what can be felt to the sense of touch. And if something can be taken in by different senses, it should be presented to the different ones at the same time." (Comenius, quoted in Flitner 1954, p. 135) - "Alles soll wo immer möglich den Sinnen vorgeführt werden, was sichtbar dem Gesicht, was hörbar dem Gehör, was riechbar dem Geruch, was schmeckbar dem Geschmack, was fühlbar dem Tastsinn. Und wenn etwas durch verschiedene Sinne aufgenommen werden kann, soll es den verschiedenen zugleich vorgesetzt werden" (Comenius, zit. n. Flitner 1954, S. 135)
To experience, to create, to preserve - all this is offered in our extraordinary school environment. Nature can be experienced up close. Creative activity presupposes an engagement with the environment, but also with one's own person. Creative activity combines fantasy and logic, imagination and logical thinking. The development of artistic-musical abilities includes the development of children's expressiveness, imagination, the ability to experience and the capacity to imagine.
We maintain the tried and tested and discover the new. Many small people in many small places taking many small steps can change the face of the world. (African proverb) - Wir wahren Bewährtes und entdecken Neues. Viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten die viele kleine Schritte tun, können das Gesicht der Welt verändern (Afrikanisches Sprichwort)
Lesson hours:
Morning room | 06:00 - 08:00
breakfast | 08:00 - 08:10
1st. lesson hour | 08:10 - 08:55
2nd. lesson hour | 08:55 - 09:40
2nd. breakfast break | 09:40 - 09:50
3rd. lesson hour | 09:50 - 10:35
4th. lesson hour | 10:35 - 11:20
yard break & lunch | 11:20 - 11:40
5th. lesson hour | 11:40 - 12:25
6th. lesson hour | 12:25 - 13:10
School year 2021|2022 holidays:
Autumn holidays - 18 October 2021 - 30 October 2021
Christmas holidays - 23 December 2021 - 1 January 2022
Winter holidays - 12 February 2022 - 26 February 2022
Easter holidays - 15 April 2022 - 23 April 2022
Summer holidays - 18 July 2022 - 26 August 2022
School district:
Kleindehsa Primary School has pupils from the following locations: Lawalde with the districts of Lauba, Streitfeld, Kleindehsa. With special permission from: Cunewalde, OT Halbau (2 km away from the school), Löbau with Großdehsa, Eiserode, Peschen and Nechen. There are currently 91 pupils in 4 classes at the school.
Space conditions:
The pupils at Kleindehsa Primary School have at their disposal 4 classrooms, a workshop, a computer room, a reading corner, a creative workshop and a music room.
Tuesday: young firemen, young paramedics, pottery
Wednesday: sports
Thursday: Football, Mini-Musical, support offer
Interesting offers are available for children. Here you will be supported and encouraged in the following areas:
supporting physical development | supporting values competence | supporting social competence | supporting media competence | supporting creativity | developing methodological competence | developing language competence | supporting communication skills | supporting reading competence.
In addition, the school library is open to children every day during school hours.
The primary school in Kleindehsa is part of the EU-Schulprogramms Sachsens school programme for the school year 2019|2020.
The aim of the programme is to increase the consumption and acceptance of fruit, vegetables and milk by children through regular offerings in Saxon nurseries and kindergartens as well as primary and special schools. With a free extra portion of fruit (in the case of the primary school in Kleindehsa), children should be informed about healthy eating. Educational accompanying activities, such as farm visits or thematic project days, should at the same time promote knowledge about products and their origin, as well as children's skills in handling products.
All participating institutions are regularly supplied with free products (fruit, vegetables, milk) by an approved supplier. The search for a suitable supplier as well as the on-site organisation is the responsibility of the facility. To increase the effectiveness of the programme, accompanying educational activities are to be carried out in the facilities.
You can find out more about the programme here.
Funding for the programme is provided by the European Union and the Freistaat Sachsen.
Primary School (Grundschule) in Kleindehsa | Dorfstraße 6 | 02708 Lawalde OT Kleindehsa
Principal: Katrin Platzek
Phone: 03585 833233
Responsible body: Große Kreisstadt Löbau
Supervisory body: Freistaat Sachsen | Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Kultus und Sport
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