You can find the latest information about the school under Aktuelles by clicking on this link: Grundschule Kittlitz
The Primary School (Grundschule) in Kittlitz | Lauchaer Straße 1a | 02708 Löbau OT Kittlitz
The Kittlitz primary school is a full day school (GTA). At the school, children, teachers and parents shape school life together - always in accordance with the school motto: "Learning from each other - growing together".
The primary school and the school day-care centre run their all-day programmes together (GTA in open form).
The Kittlitz primary school is located in a countryside area. Children come to Kittlitz from 17 districts and from up to 7.5 km away to learn. The school is divided into eight classes - including the so-called "DaZ-class" (= German as a foreign language), in which 15 children from a migrant background are currently studying.
Principal: Katja Marquardt
Number of children: 189 | after-school care: 169 (as of March 2018)
Phone: 03585 2139050 | E-Mail:
Parents' evenings in the school year 2021|2022:
16 September 2021 | 19:00 classes 1 a & b
13 September 2021 | 19:00 classes 2 a & b
22 September 2021 | 19:00 classes 3 a & b
15 September 2021 | 19:00 classes 4 a & b
Lesson hours:
1. lesson block: 7:20 - 8:50
breakfast break | 30 minutes
2. lesson block: 9:20 - 10:50
yard break | 30 minutes
5th lesson hour: 11:20 - 12:05
6th lesson hour: 12:15 - 13:00
School year 2021|2022 holidays:
Autumn holidays - 18 October 2021 - 30 October 2021
Day off - 3 December 2021
Christmas holidays - 23 December 2021 - 1 January 2022
Winter holidays - 12 February 2022 - 26 February 2022
Easter holidays - 15 April 2022 - 23 April 2022
Summer holidays - 18 July 2022 - 26 August 2022
"Learning from each other - growing together"
Computer course (classes 3|4) Mr Krause
Football (classes 1|2) Mr Köhler
Reading tips and tricks (class 3) Mrs Blümel
Choir (classes 1|2|3|4) Mrs Schöne
Theatre (classes 1|2|3|4) Mrs Jäkel / Mrs Gröschel
Floorball (class 4) Mrs Engler
Pupils' Parliament (classes 2|3|4) Mrs Marquardt
Dispute Mediator (classes 2|3|4) Mrs Zöllner
Sport makes you feel good (class 3) Mrs Berndt
The Way of Support (classes 1|2) Themes: "Learning to learn", Concentration/perception, On a journey to discover mathematics, Fine motor skills, Handicrafts, Little Artists with Mrs Hübner
Support from Frauenring Kittlitz and the physiotherapy practice Bärbel Heine
If you study hard, you deserve a day off. At the primary school in Kittlitz there are enough offers for that.
The school offers: Introduction to school | open day | Christmas programme | Easter day | school festival | farewell to the fourth grade
Competitions: Maths Kangaroo
Sports: Sports festival
Signing of the agreement | Start of the PiT programme
We want that the children in our Primary School can learn everyday and life skills to an even greater extent. Life skills are skills that enable us to deal appropriately with our fellow human beings, as well as with problems and difficult situations. For our primary school children, these skills include recognising the feelings of others, expressing them appropriately, listening well and expressing kindness. To this end, extensive discussions took place with all stakeholders and the necessary decision was made in November: PiT- Ostsachsen ("So that children grow up safe and healthy!"), supports the democratic development process of the school.
The signing of the agreement was attended by: Hauptamtsleiter Mr Storch, Hauptkommissar Mr Thomas, Schulreferentin Mrs Gerhardi vom Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Standort Bautzen, der Ortsvorsteher Mr Nahrstedt, die Elternratsvorsitzende Mrs Hartmann-Müller, die Hortleiterin Mrs Zenker, Teachers and of course children
The Primary School in Kittlitz is part of the EU-Schulprogramms Sachsens school programme for the school year 2021|2022.
The aim of the programme is to increase the consumption and acceptance of fruit, vegetables and milk by children through regular offerings in Saxon nurseries and kindergartens as well as primary and special schools. With a free extra portion of fruit (in the case of the primary school in Kittlitz), children should be informed about healthy eating. Educational accompanying activities, such as farm visits or thematic project days, should at the same time promote knowledge about products and their origin, as well as children's skills in handling products.
All participating institutions are regularly supplied with free products (fruit, vegetables, milk) by an approved supplier. The search for a suitable supplier as well as the on-site organisation is the responsibility of the facility. To increase the effectiveness of the programme, accompanying educational activities are to be carried out in the facilities.
You can find out more about the programme here.
Funding for the programme is provided by the European Union and the Freistaat Sachsen.
Guiding principle 1
We value a school climate characterised by mutual respect, willingness to cooperate, non-violent collaboration, openness, tolerance, politeness and good manners.
Goals: At our school children and adults meet in a friendly manner and treat each other politely | In everyday school life we respect each other and ourselves | We want to deal with conflicts appropriately and according to the situation | Children and adults learn and work together and help each other | We cooperate closely with teachers in the after-school care centre
Guiding principle 2
We want to enable children to be independent and responsible in their learning and social activities.
Goals: We enable pupils to plan, construct, revise and evaluate learning processes independently | We encourage pupils to critically assess their own learning needs and implement individually selected techniques depending on the situation | We create situations in which pupils are confronted with the rules and norms of social interaction | We accompany children in their educational work in small groups and teach strategies
Guiding principle 3
We promote a learning culture that makes room for the widest possible development of different competences and in which mistakes are used constructively in the learning process.
Goals: We also work on new learning materials for small groups of students, thus promoting independent and active learning and teamwork skills | We offer diverse learning opportunities in lessons | We design lessons in such a way that they enable, support, promote and require initiative, independence, self-confidence, learning enjoyment and responsibility | The didactic principle of our lessons is the principle of active learning | We develop methodological skills from the very beginning in order to initiate independent learning and continuously develop it.
Guiding principle 4
We recognise, promote and use the children's interests and strengths.
Goals: Together with the kindergarten teachers we optimally prepare the children for school | We recognise strengths and weaknesses in the first lessons and address them through individual work through differentiated learning opportunities and open learning forms, we encourage and challenge all children | The interests and strengths of each child are supported in the full-day offer: "I am important - I can do something!
Guiding principle 5
We learn about different cultures and accompany the children with a migration background in learning the German language.
Goals: We perceive otherness and reduce prejudices | We develop technical language competence in the acquisition of knowledge in all subjects | We promote reading and oral and written language learning among children with a migrant background | We educate the children to act appropriately in the situation and respect the opinions of others.
Guiding principle 6
We create a friendly environment for learning.
Goals: We create clear structures in classrooms | We support initiatives for aesthetic decoration of classrooms and the school building | We strive for healthy posture of pupils to avoid headaches and blockades and increase the ability to concentrate | We always pay attention to collegial interaction | We encourage children to use breaks for active recreation.
Guiding principle 7
We are involved in the public life of the community.
Goals: We are engaged in the local history of the village in the classroom | We encourage the children to get to know and use the clubs and public facilities in the village. | On special occasions we are involved in festive events | We participate in the events of the Kittlitz Carnival Association.
Numbers, data and facts about the primary school in Kittlitz can be found in the school database of the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Culture.
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