Kindertagesstätte "Samenkorn"

Diakonische Kita "Samenkorn" | Pestalozzistraße 19 | 02708 Löbau

The kindergarten "Samenkorn" is a place of learning, education and upbringing for 67 children from the age of 1 to the start of school. There are four mixed integration groups for children from 2 years old and one nursery group for children from 1 year old. The facility is an old city building which was modernised in 2000. It is located in Löbau in a mixed development area (schools, bank, residential buildings, green areas) and can be reached in a few minutes by train and bus connections to the city centre. The kindergarten is surrounded by a large playground and open space. The large outdoor area with old trees is fenced. For the children in the nursery there is a separate playground with age-appropriate play equipment.

Responsible body: Diakonisches Werk im Kirchenbezirk Löbau-Zittau gemeinnützige GmbH

Manager: Julia Zeidler

Phone: 03585 833093


Web: Kita "Samenkorn"

Here you can find out more about types of care, pedagogical aspects, etc.

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